Nesia is the city known for its constant travles through the sky and across many countries. Those who know of the city's approach before hand welcome it with open arms as a trade city. Even the nomads of the Gourim Plains will stop traveling to sell the rare pelts of Hourdin. Nesia is the most diverse city and a member of no nation, it has always been neutral in wars and acted as a hospital for the injured. Those who live in the city vary from wood elves to golems who have been given free will. Although every race has a hatred for some other race, they always live peacfully around each other is Nesia. No country or army has tried to assault Nesia before and nor do people intend too. Nesia is a city the benefits from diversity and countries benefit off of what they bring to offer. Despite this, Nesia is a city with secrets that everyone wants. Spies exist in Nesia's research and development division to report on the findings as to why Nesia floats. These countries employing the spies only want one thing, a floating fortress like Nesia. Deep in the bowels of the city, people slave away to keep clean water and food production at an all time high. These people often stay in their position and never leave these jobs until they die. People disappear to reappear in slave markets such as the ones in the Folgth Empire. Mercinaries are hired to kill off particularly troublesome council members should they not listen to the people. In many ways, Nesia is a dystopia and a false hope for those seeking redemption for in Nesia, you will only find damnation. But people have not given in to the hopelessness yet, there still exist those few who are unwilling to fall into damnation. These people are street corners preaching of the coming redemption of their God who will wipe all heritics out of Nesia. The redemption will not be of a godly sort though. Forces act from within to pull together those who believe in Justice and all that is good. Going under the name Condemnation, this rebel force plans to take Nesia by force and to condem all who do not transfer to their religion. Condemnation is led the self proclaimed Prophet of the Light, Brun Hightower. Brun is a dwarf who is blind but claims that he was blinded by the Sun God Helim as a mark of his transition to prophet and Judge of good and evil. Then there are the guilds which aim for control over the city as their own. Each guild has its own purpose in the city and each which to have the city as theirs to rule. Yet one guild stands above all others, Inferno Hall, in their goal of not taking the city as theirs but instead of ridding the world of beasts so great and so terrible that they have claimed the titles of Titan. InfernoHall is a hunter's and adventurer's guild who was formed just three years ago but has already earned fame by defeating a Basilisk named Fang, whom had killed fifty other men who had tempted him. So which side are you on? Are you those complacent enough to not care about the city, those who believe in righteous justice by the hand of their god or are you one who seeks a life of adventure and danger? This is for you to choose and every decision you make shall influence the fate of Nesia. So basically, this is more of a free form plot based off of what your characters do in Nesia. The plot will be like a string which your characters are latched on to but will tug it in the direction of your choosing. The paths the plot can take will be vague and hinted at in updates via a IC post every now and again. Your characters will know a little of what is going on inside Nesia no matter which path you take, this will be displayed as whispers or sudden appearance of more guards in certain areas. Some times, this will influence how you go about your daily life by blocking certain paths through the city or cutting entire districts off a map. Side Note: I am currently producing a map of Nesia for reference of places and such. I based this roleplay off this picture: [hider=Nesia] [img] [/img] [/hider] Note: More groups exist than just the ones I talked about.