You can play as a council member and magic does indeed exist. Although, magic won't be controlling the elements and such but more of a rune-based magic.. This mean magic is more like using a rune to power a machine or several runes to summon a being from another plain of existence. Basically, every time magic is used there must be a rune to determine what they caster releases. Runes can be placed on items such as gloves or even tattooed on to the body. Learning all the runes takes years of dedication and young characters (20-25) are not allowed to use it with the proficiency of a powerful wizard nor are they capable of using more advanced runes or using runes one after another in a chain without tiring. Other groups will consists of other guilds, outside military organizations, mercenary groups, fanatical groups and the such. I will allow for the creation of groups and organizations so long as they are detailed and diverse. I don't want fifteen different thieves guilds. Political organizations do exist but there will be a limit for each one.