@SpartanDoesAcid, I think a great deal of runners has been send out to all nations. No matter how isolated you are, a runner will probably still have crossed your border with the message requesting to speak with the local leaders. You can say that you killed the messenger or something but that would almost be a direct act of war against the Empire of Vallhal (and to be honest, i doubt any nation right now could stand against it might alone.) @VoteForPandaa, i think we're open as long as there is still room on the map. So yes, i guess you can still join. @SajeW, i'm by no means a GM, co-GM or anything like that so you don't really need to listen to me. But there are a few weird things with your nation. First of all, a population of 10.000.000 is a lot. Especially for a region practically hugging the north pole. I doubt so many people would actually be able to live there. Beside, the surface you chose isn't that big. Urukhai had the previous highest amount of population with 5.000.000 but lived on a region almost triple yours and much more south. So naturally your army (320.000) is also quite a lot. Other than that i have no real issues. Btw: i just wanted to say that i believe that your nation is one of the first that didn't mention a certain mystic force or magic in anyway.