Voltina sat in a corner of the room sitting at a table with some of the men who`d come flirting with her. She`d give a fake laugh every now and then to their stupid jokes. The metal and wiring was being covered with latex made to match her skin color. Her one gold eye having a blue contact to match her other blue eye. She was wearing a short, strapless [url=http://www.landybridal.co/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/a/-/a-line-strapless-short-taffeta-black-bridesmaid-dress-c13069-b.jpg]black dress[/url]. Looking around the room she already knew there were people that shouldn`t be here. "Excuse me fine gentleman I have something I need to attend too." She said with a fake smile and stood up walking across the room over to Jack. "Excuse me I can`t help but notice that your suit is rather suffocating." Voltina said with a endearing smile. She really was a master at faking emotions in front of others.