[indent] Chick bit her bottom lip, desperately trying to bite back her words. As she had rudely requested, the tapping had stopped, and silence finally engulfed the room. Her hostility died down and she slumped back against the bars of the cage once more. Her gaze rested to the darkness before her and she blocked the annoyance from her mind. [i]Maybe it isn't my turn yet.[/i] “Are we all going to be shot off somewhere? And where are we ending up at?” [i]Tch.[/i] Chick tried to ignore the question, tried to concentrate on something else, but it didn't work. From the sound of his voice, she could tell he was male. Or at least she assumed he was one. And the sudden urge to crush his spirits and terrify him was insatiable. "Shot off somewhere?" She scoffed, mocking the hint of fear she heard in his voice. She opened her mouth, ready point out how only death awaited them but she didn't even get her first word out. Chick stiffened. The loud complaints of her rusty cage interrupted her train of thought as it began shifting. "Just try not to do anything pathetically stupid." Chick managed to call out just before her cage was out of sight. She sat back on the right-most corner of her cage, took a black hair tie from her wrist and proceeded to bring together the stray strands of her chestnut brown hair. [i]I wonder who it'll be this time.[/i] She wrapped the hair tie around her hair, trying her best to style it into a ponytail. "Wait. How long has it been since my last shower?" She boomed, desperately trying to shut out her loud heartbeats. She ran her fingers through the mess that she called her hair and waited until her cage reached her destination. Another gloomy room, with another psychopathic supernatural who will just love to exert its dominance over anything. She rested her chin atop her knees, waiting for her new 'master' to speak first. [/indent]