[quote=Elendra] Iarumas, counted your traits up twice, top down and bottoms up. I keep counting 58, meaning you have 2 left! [/quote] Ah thanks, i'll get to that. Also, I noticed you have 4 mechanist traits when you have mage traits Another question: -The *cults of xxxx* seems to be a much better flaw to choose than Dangerous Cults, whats the difference between them? I really feel like taking Haunted by the Past cus it just fits so here are some basic Custom Trait ideas im gunna play around with: -Spread the Word: Your preachers, diplomats, traders, hell even soldiers, basically anyone who goes out of the border carries with them the will and material to preach your religion to the uninformed and ignorant. They do so in more numbers and ability than simple preachers. -Preachers of Steel: Your preachers can do far more than simply stand on a street corner and yell at the top of their lungs for hours on end. They travel in armed retinues and carry the garments of war, eliminating evil and aiding the needy in their travels to spread the word. In doing so they are mostly more than welcome in other lands and preach with more ease than normal. In times of need these preachers can even be drafted into the military, inspiring the soldiery by their presence, deeds and stories.