"Ow..." Leon slowly opened his eyes... at least, he slowly opened them until they were about halfway open, at which point his brain registered the fact that he was no longer in his room, causing aforementioned eyes to jump wide open. [I]What in the world...[/I] He looked around, trying to figure out where he was. Some kind of... city? No obvious landmarks, from what he could see. Maybe he should try to walk around for a bit, to see if he could find anyone to tell him where he was. And, while he was at it, some aspirin. A nasty headache was building up behind his eyes... Well, wherever it was, it wasn't in any place he had ever seen before, that much was certain -- though he did get a knawing feeling of familiarity. What was more important was another question; namely, how did he get here? And, even more importantly, how was he going to get back? "Hello? Is anyon- ow... Is anyone there?" Seriously, what was up with the stupid headache? It, combined with the fact that he had no idea where he was, nor how he got here, gave birth to a very scary idea; did someone kidnap or drug him? But if that was the case, then why just dump him at the roadside? It didn't make any sense at all... At the same time, he didn't really have any other explanations either.