Sighing audibly, albeit to himself, Dai turned as he ended the call and very nearly dropped the phone, a bit surprised by Ravens appearance. He fumbled with it for a few seconds and then managed a small, embarrassed smile before stepping back and setting it on its stand. "Given the short notice, apparently we're having pizza." He offered a shrug in explanation, it wasn't the most elegant first meal to start the summer... but perhaps, with the group as a whole in mind, he thought it was appropriate. Diana turned and started toward the door at the edge of the small kitchen, but even as he approached it he started worrying despite his previous state of mind. Getting up what courage he had, knowing all the while he was being very silly, he moved toward the door and opened it ever so slightly before sighing and closing it again; "Ray would you mind helping me get them from the freezer?" They'd known each other for quite awhile, and as in most friendships, overtime secrets are told, and one of his was that he was terribly afraid of being alone. Even if only for a minute or two in a storage room.