Noirin was astonished at how easy it was to do this examination then turned to Lady Hyer. "Thank you for your help. I gotta go to the Auras and Examination now. But we can work together again, right?" Quickly she put the small dragon back into the bowl and found her sleeping kitten. And then nearly ran out of the room to the Aura Chamber door where everyone else was waiting. "Sorry....." she spoke quickly. "That is ok. Now class, this is the Aura Chamber door. Each of you will enter inside and see all of your Auras. Some students are born with the ability to naturally see them but most are not able to in the beginning. Don't worry because you will eventually be able to see them. I'll let you see my Auras then step aside for size comparison. Then I will explain each level." Lady VIoletta concentrate on making a replica of herself with the various Auras visible then stepped aside. [HIDER=Aura Chart] [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [/HIDER] "As you can see, my real self is much larger with the layers of Auras inside of myself. I have learned how to hide them. Auras are surrounding your body at all times. There are some people who can read auras and know what you are feeling, what kind of magic and if you have the tendencies to use the magic for the good or evil so to speak. What we do with our magic will affect those around us in one way or another. Let’s begin with the basics of auras. As you can see, there are greyish dividing lines that have separated each set of aura. Some will have white while some will have black. Those dividing layers can be any shade between black and white. It will show your tendency at the time viewed. Events in a person’s lives can make the person change for the good or for the bad and it will be reflected in the dividing lines. The one closest to the body is the most personal one. It has to do with my health. Next is the emotional status. The outside layer is my MEL. MEL or Magical Energy Lines are as follows: Now look closely and you will see that sparkles of gold and/or silver weaving throughout the auras. The gold sparkles represent purist or a person who are inclined to use magic for the greater good and education. Silver sparkles tend to have inclination to further or do things that will reflect back to the person for their own personal achievement. HMAs do grow and change with the abilities of the student and according how much the students use them. Who wants to go inside first?" Lady Violetta asked.