(I don't own) Story Line Rumor has it the new family that recently moved to the outskirts of town are mean, ruthless,...some even spoke of murder. The kids never went to school, and they were rarely ever seen around town at the stores, the parks, anywhere really. Did they even work?....I haven't seen them behind any cash register.  So what will you do when, on the most up-to-date social networking site, the new kids finally make themselves known. A group message was sent to everyone in town;  Party! Me and sis are trying to break in the new house, and seeing as we haven't made any friends since we've gotten here, we decided that things are going to change- sitting around the house all day is no longer in our schedules....So, sort of like a meet and greet, with alcohol. And other party favors; just no hard things please....Bring your friends. A bathinsuit for the ladies, and some trunks for the men. If there's any drink in particular you want, bring it. Other than that, we've got mostly everything else covered... The party starts at 9:00 P.M 6078 South maple road.  Doesn't end till Monday...So hey, Thursday through Monday, parties on. Guests are welcome to stay the night, we've got plenty of couches, floor space, tents out in the back....Take your pick. We're looking forward to seeing some new faces. ..... Character Applications: Appearance: Real Name: Nickname: Age: 15-19 Personality: Crush: Relationship: ....My CS...... [img]http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/236x/f3/b3/b7/f3b3b7d7ffe9e6aa6c1ffd6a7e215c19.jpg[/img] Name: Charlotte Brown Nickname: Charlie Age: 18 Personality: Hotheaded, Kind, Brave, Short-Tempered, Clever and Witty. Crush: Open Relationship: Single [img]http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/e8/7a/cf/e87acf67ab609236c5f66ff39e672fae.jpg[/img] Name: Daphne Brown Nickname: Daph Age: 18 Personality: Kind, Caring, Bubbly, Naive, Outgoing and Social. Crush: Open Relationship: Single ...... Any sexual content take to PM. There are unlimited amounts of spots. Anyone can join within reason. Play as many characters as you can handle. .......