Marian took the girl by the shoulders when she crashed into her, looking the child over. Seemed like they get younger and younger, these recruits. Then again, she had been blowing up railways and running from the wrath of both the Texas Railroad and Pacific Railroad companies and their mercenary sheriffs. They'd try to build there again one day, but for now the ranchers would keep their property... "Well hi," she said with a wide smile, "Yes, Miss Snow is callin on y'all. I don't see where your friend went..." Marian said, looking about, "But I'll take you to her for now." She turned the girl about face and guided her out the Library back towards Snow and Kusa were waiting. "I'm Marian by the by. From El Paso, in the great state of Texas." she explained, "I been round here a couple years now, but I'm gone a lot on missions. Reconnaissance type things, or re-a-pro-priatin' missing things as were stolen from members. That kinda thing. Lots of travel. Got a nice horse though, Bodaway's the fastest filly most folks ever seen. Right pretty too," she said wistfully, "Got her from a Shaman whose life I saved." She stopped talking as they passed Rumple's door, and she stopped and released the girl while she put an ear to it. Not hearing anything, she shook her head and continued, starting to hum [i]Clementine[/i] lightly. She led the girl into the tavern where Snow and Kusa waited at the bar.