A multitude of beautiful lights glittered in the calm night sky. The ones to the far right, left and behind her were the stars of the cosmos, evident by the faint, distant galaxies that accompanied them and the milky, gas structures that arched through space. Although the current lighting made the difference obscure, the glittering lights that took up the vast majority of her view straight ahead and above was that of cities, not stars. As evident by this fact this was not a normal planet despite what the environment would otherwise suggest, an environment magically formed to emulate a planet of theirs that had been destroyed, where they were forced to retreat from to now live in this current home. To make a long story short, what she was looking at was the torso of a Goddess the size of a small planet in height, a Goddess who sacrificed her own life's energy to flood the outside of her body with the life giving properties that would allow those under her care to survive. The half cat, half human woman known as a halfkin was walking alone on the palm of the Goddess's hand that was cradled in front of her torso. She needed to get over [i]there[/i], to the heart, where the mighty city of Hearthrown was found. Besides Grand Palalm, the city she was originally stationed in that was slowly disappearing on the horizon behind her as she walked, that city was the most important, especially for trade. However, it was a different matter that she was tasked with going there by her superiors at the Investigative Legion. They claimed there was someone who could naturally use magic there, a one in a million claim, perhaps even more unlikely than that. Magic users such as herself, who were called warriors, only got their powers by the insertion of the Goddess's cells into their bodies. How could a mere mortal naturally have such powers? Rikka Hantrot was skeptical to say the least. She'd have to see it in person to believe it, which is what she was tasked with doing. Should it be true then she would have to somehow convince the person to come in for further investigation. If they were able to gather important information then it may be able to turn the tide in their battle with the macrobians. Or maybe not. Even if true, maybe it was just a one in a million thing and would be of little help to them. Who knew how things would work out, but if they didn't do everything in their power to better their odds, then their odds of survival were grim indeed. Even if the current generation would manage to live until their old age, their children or children's children would not have such a luxury if the war continued as it was. And that is if the macrobians weren't secretly up to some master plan inside the Goddess that would further accelerate the timetable of their destruction. Rikka was a pessimist by nature, so she couldn't help but think about such things. Some people loved to pretend that everything was perfectly fine and dandy. She was not one of them. Brushing a hand against a long strand of black hair that had blown into her face due to a gust of wind, she continued on her long journey to Hearthrown, wondering what might await her when she arrived.