This was the sort of place Bela liked. Low-Key, out of the way and just far enough from the village for no one to recognize her. It was night the darkness afforded the paladin something she could use to her advantage, stealth. Though this wasn’t her usual tactic, the large black cloak over her hid her intricate armor from view. To just below her collarbone, Belamica was covered in silver, not just any silver, but the silver of His Holiness. Her blade had been known as ‘Light Seeker’ and Bela thought it was a fitting name, it sought to bring the light by ending the darkness that was the scourge on her land. The undead had been a problem for so many years that the king developed an entire guard just for the purpose of keeping the kingdom safe from the threat of the undead. After years of proving herself a more than worthy foe in battle, Belamica had taken up the mantle as the chosen champion of the king, and in turn had taken charge of the initiative against the undead. She was in this tavern to seek out the informant that had passed an urgent message to the king. There had been an outbreak of the undead plague. A large number of graves were turning up empty with clawing marks in their lids. The dead weren’t staying that way. With her bright eyes closed, Bela’s pale lips moved in prayer. “Father, guard us against the darkness and steel us to unleash your might against those who are no longer of the living. “ It was a short prayer, but it was something that calmed Bela before the chaos of battle. Even as she whispered her prayer, the tavern she was in had gone eerily quiet. With her head bowed and her hood up, she hadn’t noticed as people filtered out of the place, scared looks on their faces. By the time she realized the room was empty, the frigid feeling of death had already began to seep into the place. No doubt the undead were coming, someone had led them here just for her. For any other Paladin this would have been a death wish, but all Bela could do was smile as she unpinned her cloak and turned. The dark green material fell to the floor, leaving Bela in glinting silver armor. Even in the dim light it shone with an inner brightness. The creaking of wood caused a perked ear to turn towards the door, and as soon as she was distracted a window was broken. The growling of the undead was like music to Belamica’s ears. [center]“Bless me Father as I cleanse this land of this unholy MENACE!” [/center] Her sword was pulled easily from her scabbard and as the undead swarmed into the tavern, all Bela could do was smile. For three hours the elf fought the undead swarm, and as the sun rose, she was the only thing left standing in that Tavern. Covered in blood and worse for the wear, Belamica loaded her horse and sauntered off to find somewhere to sleep off the battle she had single handedly just waged.