The sun was setting on Covenant Academy's school day. Students from all different clubs were finishing up their meetings and heading out for the day. There were some where cleaning and finishing up would drag them on for a bit longer, and the security team kept an eye on things while students were exiting the school in such numbers. On one hand, many of them were feeling pretty good after a nice, successful meeting with their club or clubs. On the other hand... this was the most likely time for trouble. Indeed, Covenant Academy's Security team was most likely to be busy right about now. After all, it was when students were leaving the Academy, free for the rest of the day. If they wanted to cause trouble at the school, this was the time. Certainly, it was a nice day. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, it was a beautiful day for anyone to do just about anything they wanted to that required being outdoors. But with clouds on the horizon and the wind picking up, it seemed that the weather could certainly worsen that night.