Even Lexi was nervous about going into the room, she hadn’t entered it since his uncle died. Such a kind old man who seemed to care so much about Peter you would think they were even more closely related. He even showed the same kindness to her when their friendship blossomed in grade school. Such an amazing and nice man, it was sad to see him go. While she tried to be strong for Peter at the funeral, but soon the two were holding each other and crying. It was the first time she had ever seen Peter cry and as much as society has men believed that they can’t cry, she knew she really fell for him that day because he showed that things did bother him, he could be emotional and that was important in a human being. “Peter?” She said questioningly as she opened the door and stepped inside, tarps were folded up in the corner, paint brushes and paint waiting to be opened and some white pudgy to fill the holes in the walls form the hanging photos. Peter had just risen from the desk chair when she entered, a small sigh left her as she gave him a nod. “Can’t expect you to do this all by yourself you know, you’re not Superman.” [i]Or Spider-Man, god… if only.[/i] She thought as she moved into the room, shutting the door behind her. He had taken some pictures off the walls and put them away. She took off a few photos from the wall and placed them in the box he was working on before giving him a hug, wrapping her arms gently around his neck, she didn’t know what to say, considering this was a hard process for him but a hug always works. Especially considering she was wearing her special vanilla perfume; much like she had the night before with Spider-Man. “I’ll finish the photos if you want to work on clearing off the bookshelf. Is it staying in here or is it going somewhere else?” She asked gently as she let him go and went to the wall. It was easier for her to handle the photos then Peter, it was probably the most helpful thing she could do right now.