Thomas heard the altercation behind him but did his best to ignore it, focusing instead on the howling hordes advancing on their position. At his brother’s command, he began pulling off shots slowly and evenly from both guns; one shot from the revolver for every two or three from the semi-auto. The bullets screamed down the short distance between Tom and the goblins pursuing him. Every shot was a hit to head, throat, or heart until the hammer of the revolver slammed down on an empty chamber. Still firing with his other gun, Tom thumbed the chamber release and flicked the gun sideways to flip the revolving chamber open. Reversing the gun, Tom replaced it in his specially designed holster backwards, leaving the open cylinder sticking out through a special slit in the leather. Tom quickly grabbed the moon clips stored on his belt and jammed them into the open cylinder. The gun was now ready and was immediately drawn and aimed back at the charging hordes. The m19 was now ready to reload. Thumbing the release for this one, Tom ejected the magazine and slammed the slot in the butt down onto the next one. He worked the action by pressing the slide into his leg and jerking down. Tom then resumed firing with both guns. Tom heard Carson holler for a general retreat into the surrounding woods. A tiny voice in the back of his mind screamed that entering the forest would be the worst idea possible at this time. “Not the woods, they know the forest better than we do! It’ll be a slaughter!” No one listened to him of course, as his beliefs were completely unfounded. Growling low in his throat, Tom put away the revolver and drew the matte black ghurka in a back sheath. He turned to the man next to him and told him to be ready for some close quarters combat. The soldier nodded, grabbed his tac knife, and instantly dropped it as a crude stone axe came whopping out of the treeline and took his arm off at the shoulder. “Shit, Greg where are you!?” Tom saw his brother calmly backpedaling towards the treeline, mowing down the goblins coming up from behind. “Greg, we’re taking damage. Avoid the trees, there’re more of them in the forest!”