It was hard to explain his Spider senses. He could have easily saw Lexi about to throw paint at him. Its like a tingling happens behind his eyes, and a silent alarm goes off in his head, and everything would go in to slow motion.... But he never listened to his senses as she flung paint at him. It was like they were kids again, and he enjoyed the times where she fell on him... But this sense was not an alarm for him... but her Lexi... He turned seconds before she slipped on the paint, her paint brush aimed on him, and then she started to fall. His reflexes came in, he could shoot a web at her, and bring her back. He always carried his webshooters in his pockets... but he was afraid she would be disgusted that she kissed him, or angry that he never told her. He leapt with his muscular legs, and thanks to the spider bite had more power than any track athlete. He caught her in his arms, her brush flew up in the air, and landed on his hair, covering his hair with blue paint.... She looked amazed, and he had to pull the part of being the dorky Peter Parker everyone knew and loved. He pretended to slip himself, landing straight on his back, his breath being knocked out of him, but Lexi was safe and secure in his arms, his chest breaking the fall for her. Her safety was more important that Peter's pain. "You know... If it weren't for the color or your eyes, I'd have a strong hatred for the color blue." he said with a laugh, trying to wipe some paint off his forehead.