SORRY everybody for the delay, I had to attend two weddings and had Mother's Day to deal with. Luckily I'm done with that for now. Here's my CS. Please critique! Still a few things I've got to update over time like the biography. I'm actually wondering a few things which I kind of highlighted in the CS. For instance, in this world horses aren't used; what would be an acceptable analogue, specifically for mounted combat? Also, has the Vigil offered monetary reward or hired mercenaries for their mission, or is it simply inspired by personal zeal? Probably should have asked about this before making my character a mercenary, though I can change it around fairly easily. [hider=CS] [IMG][/IMG] [b]Name[/b]: Ilham [b]Age[/b]: 31 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Nationality[/b]: Bhunpadi [b]Birthplace[/b]: The Southern Hattavori Desert [b]Affiliation[/b]: The Vigil [b]Occupation[/b]: Hired Mercenary [b]Favored God[/b]: N/A [b]Weight[/b]: 148 lbs. [b]Height[/b]: 6’4 [b]Build[/b]: Ilham is solidly built, tall, with broad shoulders and well developed musculature, yet is quick on his toes. [b]Hair Style[/b]: Ilham’s hair is made in the common style of his people, tied into thick dreads and braids. [b]Hair Color[/b]: Deep umber, with flecks of lighter brown [b]Eye Color[/b]: Clear hazel [b]Facial Features[/b]: Ilham’s features are somewhat severe: high cheekbones, an aquiline nose, and hard jawline silhouetted by the thin suggestion of beard. Despite this harshness, the lucidity of his eyes brings his face alive. [b]Personality[/b]: Ilham is somewhat reserved, sober, and proud. He keeps much of his inner self closed to the world, yet in some lucid moments reveals himself. He is not a cold man, but he has been hardened by the austerity of his upbringing and work, and the world around him has caused his perceptions to be seasoned with a dash of cynicism. [b]Clothing[/b]: Beneath his patterned robes, a relic of his time among the Yhundi, Ilham has taken to wearing a boiled leather jerkin for means of protection. An embroidered scarf is often wrapped tight around his neck, both as a means for warding off the chill of the Godwastes and hiding the tattoo which wends its way to curl at his jaw. He wears large padded trousers, often tucked into his weatherworn boots. All in all, like much of Ilham’s outward character, his manner of dress is rather plain and lacking in any ornamentation save for the faded illuminations of his robes. Utilitarian, practical. [b]Weapon[/b]: Ilham is a bowman of exquisite caliber. The Bhunpadi of the lower Hattavori are keen (horse archers); from the time he was yet pink from his infant’s swaddling, Ilham has had a bow in his hand. The Bhunpadi utilize short, taut recurve bows, being more conducive for the rapid-fire necessary for mounted combat. Ilham, however, in his travels, has taken to using a large, thick longbow, as horse archery outside of the Hattavori is not exactly in vogue. Ilham wields his bow with a terrible ferocity, rapidity, and accuracy. For close-quarters, he keeps two stilettos at his hip. [b]Miscellaneous Items[/b]: In accordance with his itinerant mercenary lifestyle, Ilham travels lightly, usually with only a rucksack containing the bare necessities and fletching equipment, his bow, and a holster of arrows. He keeps a few mementos hidden away within the deepest recesses of his pouch, although no one has ever seen them and certainly Ilham has never mentioned them. [b]Magically Talented[/b]: N/A [b]Magical Attunement[/b]: N/A [b]Skills[/b]: Keen Bowman, Survivalist, Close-quarters combat, Stealth, (Horsemanship) [b]Biography[/b]: Much of Ilham's life remains unknown--he is reluctant to reveal explicit details, names, dates, and thus only suggestion and speculation can form a less-than-adequate image of his life. Like most mercenaries, Ilham prefers that personal matters not interfere with the work at hand. His motivations, aspirations, dreams...remain undisclosed as of yet. What is known is that Ilham was born to the relatively obscure Bhunpada tribe of the lower Hattavori Desert. They wander the desert, travelling from wadi to wadi, with little to no permanent habituation. They have abandoned the cities and the so-called "lecherous" heresies, hearkening back to the ancestral traditions before the Fall. As their population is scarce, the social hierarchy is one deeply maintained and highly restrictive, their ideals closed shut to outside insight. Of the Gods of Lerayis they are resentful, denouncing them as false and vain gods and erecting idols and offering oblations to the true gods, inspired by the hallowed prophecies of Mocheka ("A greater charlatan never lived," Ilham often remarked); in accordance with this homily, mages are analogous to hellspawn. The Bhunpadi warred with the itinerant mage tribes of the Hattavori, touting themselves as dispensers of holy retribution. To his family and his upbringing Ilham is grateful only for their instruction in the bow; he was trained as a warrior in the Bhunpadi way. He retains nothing of his cultural heritage, save for his appearance; even the Bhundi language, which the elders endeavored so forcefully to be spoken in place of Lerayissian, he cannot recall. Gaps emerge in Ilham's story here; his reasoning unknown, he spurned his tribe at the age of seventeen, being warned never to return on pain of death. Since then, Ilham has traveled across Lerayis, enlisting his particular services for warlords and nobles, merchant and footpad, discriminating only by pay. In Ilham's own words, "I am a sword; I am an axe; I am a bow; I do not use, but rather am used. I think not of my actions, nor of whom I am turned against, just as a whore thinks not of whom she fucks." Towards mages he feels no particular zeal or hatred, though he would never admit such a fact openly. Thus, his employment by The Vigil is by no means a reflection of his personal belief. [/hider]