Another 20 minutes and the blonde had finally navigated his way through the twining masses of bodies the flooded the streets. His current location, the Governmental district, and it seemed much more crowded, were that even possible, than the other districts and the commons. Still, he’d made it this far, and with it being just a few days into the ‘beginning’ of the expedition the peoples spirits were still sky high, just like their hopes for tomorrow. Should someone finally find Rin, then the world, and mostly Alpheim, would be made right once more. The death of Ral some 1200 years prior had thrown the world into chaos for a great length of time. Rin was only asleep somewhere though, right? The God was surely not deceased, it would have taken another one of the Moon God’s to do such a thing. Should the history books be anything to go by, then any battle between the remaining four would result in great damage to any surrounding area. When Rok and Ral had fought the plains of Midea outside of the Great Capital Varenhal had been decimated to such a degree that they became the Six Midean Lakes. Regardless of that though, his destination was in sight ahead. The great gleaming white spire of the Expeditions Magistrates Office loomed in the sky ahead of him. The road he was on dead ended there. People he passed were actively recruiting would be adventurers to join their own group. Those that passed were easy enough to spot, and those that failed… much more so. Somber expressions were far greater than those of others. The Government would not simply send off anyone and everyone with their coin. You had to pass a series of test, from strength, to the ever more important Sigil. Those without Sigils would no doubt be turned away at the door. Others would fail in the Magical aptitude test phase, and then the Physical phase. Sure, should you fail any of those tests you could always attempt to join one of the recruiters, or simply fund your own operations, but that could cost a great deal. Very few of the richer merchants or noble families wanted their children galavanting off on ‘adventures’ in the charted and uncharted parts of Alpheim. His father had been one of them at first, until Rashim’s sister had convinced him of the merits of being the family that had located Rin. So, the old golden winged man had ascented to allow three of them to go, so long as they understood that bringing back nothing to show for their efforts was akin to not showing back up at all. He took a place in one of the six lines headed towards the doors. They were moving surprisingly fast, though it wasn’t like it was hard to check a Sigil. Some had no doubt tried to fake their way past that point. How would one check to see if a Sigil was real in the first place? He would have to ask Sister next time he saw her. The woman was an absolute genius when it came to all things associated with the Gods… perhaps that was one reason that she thought she would have an easy enough time finding Alpheim’s own Lost God.