Welcome to the special role lottery, special roles are given by the GM or the CO-GM, first come first serve. Alstreim is managed by Haru and Tsurara is managed by me and anyway..... Special Roles The four characters me and Haru are giving now are not necessarily main characters but they are rather significant and must be active players. Tsurara clan special role. FIRST COME FIRST SERVE. -Name Is either letter R, K, M , A or Y, don't complain this is a challenge for you. -Lady at age 15. -She is the representative for the clan meaning unravel stories about her clan but she knows less at the beginning. -No Tamazoku for you. -In school, you are the genius in sense headstrong rival characters like Uchiha Sasuke, Akemi Homura whether or not you are Tsundere or Kuudere. -A Tsurara must have black hair and red eyes. -You are the rival type character like in shounen who is stronger than your classmates at the beginning. For example Erza Scarlet from Fairy Tail. -An Ice Person - Must be badass - You are an avenger your goal is revenge to get rid of Kimera Tenma because for many years the three clans are being hunt down for their powers and Tsurara Clan is at the brink of extinction and hell because of Kimera Tenma. -As the usual rival character type, you are aloof and indifferent to your classmates and everyone. -Be creative. The uncanny Alstreim special role. Gender equality in the Alstreim is hard to find since majority are men, you are a female who does some cross dress thing and break rules in your clan to prove that women in the clan are useful and just there to get men sandwiches. Your rival is that Tsurara avenger girl. The pacifist Nesterov The three clans as you know represent the DnD alignments, Tsurara is Chaotic, Alstreim is Alstreim lol and Nesterov is Neutral. There's more! -Congratulations you have received the superpower lottery, your ability pertains to displacement, distortion and anything pacifist like. No time powers. -choose your gender, boy or girl? If this became a girl: BEHOLD SPECIAL ROLE NUMBER FOUR! The clan-less guy role, you are a boy and potentially a harem candidate if Nesterov is a girl that is. Special Role Number 5 is optional, He is from Kimera Tenma, Spider #4. The requirements are: -The Joker like personality from Batman with a mix of Green Goblin but no personality switch. -Pedophile as in literally, you are like Yaoi King or Yuri Queen. - Bishie or Bishoujo like appearance, hair must not be too long. - like ummm Hisoka from HxH or Orochimaru level of Pedo from Naruto, either way I expect you to surpass my expectations and the creepiness I want you to deliver. -No Tamazoku nor Juzoku for you. -don't hold back on your creepiness. -Creepy but intelligent -Age is ranged from 21 to 30+ -Your power, be creative, impress me, something I haven't seen before! -You joined Kimera Tenma for your own agenda, you might he betraying them someday or not. -Ruthless killer. -You get sexually turned on every time you have worthy opponent. -4 is Death so yeah, kill kill!