((It's fine. ^^)) Hyde smirked even more at Dracula's order, showing her teeth was sharper than Jekyll's altogether, and she purred malevolently as she continued to saunter over to her prey, "With pleasure," Soon she was standing in front of Danvers as he pressed himself against the wall. As he looked at her in terror, she tilted her head eerily and she asked "Hey...Do you know what Praying Mantises do after they mate?" Danvers could be seen shaking, seeing that he knew the answer. Hyde answered her own question "The female eats the head of the male," She then pouted and said as she placed her cold and clammy hands on Danvers' head, "Ohh, but don't worry your little, old, bald, wrinkly head. I will take really [i]really[/i] good care of dear Edmund while you're gone. And this will be over in a minute," After she said the last word, she twisted Danvers' head forcefully, snapping his neck, and she let the man fall to the ground dead. ((If you want me to edit the post, let me know. ^^" Sorry if it was too dark or scary.))