He noticed that she seemed to watch him closely, and wondered what she was thinking. He had mostly just been shocked and curious at the fact that she seemed interested in the church. But then she relaxed, and laughed, and he couldn't' help but smile. If he was a normal human, he would just simply assume that she was too. Yet he wasn't, and neither was she. He would always have to remember that. "Well then, I'll have to take note of that, add it to the book 'if you ever get trapped by a coven of vamps, run into a church, they'll burn and return unto ash and dust if they step foot into it'. Should be a number one best seller, of course, then I'd be exposing hunters as well as the things that go bump in the night, so maybe not" He fell silent for a moment when she did, then let her talk, before saying, "God lets murders, rapists and kidnappers into his churches, I think a vampire that helps the homeless is less evil then them" That gave him cause to wonder if what he was doing was just, but...it had to be. He shook his head to rid himself of that thought, moving on. "Mine's Connor" He said simply, and took her hand, noticing his had dried blood and dust stuck to it. "Sorry. I was attacked by a coven. Sadly, there were no churches nearby and I had to fight for my life" He pulled his hand back, and put it in his jacket pocket, watching her closely now to see her reaction.