As her body temperature seemed to increase, she looked over at Ryan who was leaving the bed. "No wait, don't-" she started to say but he assured her that he'd be back. Reagan sighed as she got out of bed too. She paced a little, knowing that it wasn't because she was nervous. Even though she was a bit nervous, she never felt this hot and sweaty before. It wasn't like her to become warm. As her eyes closed, she took a few deep breaths and tried to calm herself down. Luckily, once Ryan came back with a cool rag, her body temperature started to go down a little bit. She opened her eyes and looked up at Ryan and smiled a little. "Thanks for the towel, I'm feeling better." she said as she wiped the towel over her neck and forehead in order to keep her cool. As the towel went over her neck, small electrical shocks came off of her skin. Reagan didn't feel it and never even noticed them. It wasn't until she heard the small sounds of the surges that she pulled the towel away from her. She looked at the rag and at her hand. Slowly, she reached over with her free hand and when it was close enough, a small electric surge came from her hand to the wet towel. "Whoa.." she managed to say. She couldn't help but smile at this new trick she didn't even realize she had. She put the towel down and sat down on Ryan's bed. She could feel him watching her, studying her perhaps, but she didn't mind. In fact, she loved that he was looking at her. She looked over at him. "I don't want you to sleep on the couch. I don't want to be too far away from you if I have the choice." she said honestly as she got back into bed. "Although I'm hot as lava right now. You wouldn't happen to have a fan or something, would you?" she asked him in hopes that they could both be comfortable and hopefully get some sleep. Once they were both settled and comfortable, she melted right back into him like she had before. Even if these were her new powers, they could wait until morning. "Goodnight, my love." she whispered before kissing his cheek gently and falling asleep. Being able to fall asleep next to him gave her a sense of protection, as if nothing could touch her or harm her. In a way, she knew that it was true. Ryan was going to protect her, no matter the situation. Having powers petrified her, the responisibility, the power, the way it made her feel. It was a little overwhelming but she knew that he'd be there to help her learn to control it. Reagan slept better than she had in a few months. As soon as her eyes closed, she was out like a light. She dreamt of Ryan, their new house, and their new life together. It wasn't until towards the end that the perfect dream turned into a nightmare where she had accidently set the house on fire. She woke up with a jolt and sat up in the bed. She was sweating again and felt extremely warm. She looked around and didn't see anything burning and figured it was okay. She reached over to touch Ryan but he was missing. She sighed. "Where did he go?" she wondered to herself. Instead of waiting for him to come back, she decided to take a cold shower to hopefully bring her body temperature back down.