[img]http://sphotos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/t1.0-9/563479_577003738977980_1871035142_n.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Duncan James Pearce [b]Codename:[/b] Guardian [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Place of Birth:[/b] Lucerne, Switzerland [b]Occupation:[/b] Student [b]Family:[/b] All Deceased [b]Relationship Status:[/b] TBD [b]Mutant Ability:[/b] [i]Kinetic Energy Absorption[/i] Duncan is a mutant with the superhuman ability to absorb kinetic energy and to metabolize it to enhance his own physical strength, speed, and stamina. This makes him extremely difficult to defeat in battle, as every blow struck against him only makes him stronger. Unusual tactics are required to defeat him, usually by incapacitating him or by attacking him psionically. Duncan absorbs the energy of any blow he is struck by, not just punches, but also projectiles like bullets, and to a less successful degree, electricity and physically based energy beams. Without absorbing energy, Duncan is merely a strong ordinary human, though normally he works to keep his strength at a superhuman level. For example, in one instance, he was shown to spend time hitting a wall after waking in order to build up his power reserves. [b]Personality[/b] Duncan is a unique individual. He appears to be of sound mind and strong spirit. Like most who lose parents in their youth, Duncan has abandonment issues. He rarely makes long-lasting relationships with men or women. He professes to have never fallen in love. He maintains no friendships from before his parents’ death and only the most irregular contact with friends from his late teens. Duncan is not nostalgic, but lives firmly in the present. He has only vague notions or thoughts about old age and retirement, which he does not seem to think he will live to see. He enjoys pushing himself to the limit, both mentally and physically. Duncan's stress levels actually drop when the stakes are higher. He is prone to boredom and mild depression when not challenged. He has strong interpersonal skills. He can act comfortably in many situations, but does not seek out companionship except, most notably, for sexual recreation. Duncan's lone wolf personality-type tends to attract others. He is goal-oriented, but he often seeks these goals in an indirect and secretive way. He has kept many areas of his life meticulously compartmentalized, never allowing the emotional issues from the loss of his family or from relationships to intrude on his professional life. Duncan seems to have an emotional and mental need for multiple layers of reality. He thrives when not revealing all of himself, carefully organizing the aspects of his personality he reveals to others. Thus Duncan is excellent at burying information he does not wish to reveal, making him a very good security risk if questioned under almost any circumstance. Extremely solitary, he does not console himself by surrounding himself with others. His athletic pursuits tend to be solitary: running, skiing, hiking, swimming, diving, and climbing. Most importantly, Duncan is deeply loyal to institutions. After his parents' death, he embraced his British and Scottish roots. His concept of his nationality is a large part of his identity. This is reflected in some of his social attitudes, which seem to embrace a British identity of the not too distant past. When pressed, Duncan seems to identify with the notion of helping to "protect the realm", or "serving the monarch" and the ideals embodied in the mythic notion of St. George. [b]History:[/b] Duncan Pearce was born an only child in Lucerne, Switzerland. His father Andrew Pearce of Dundee, Scotland was an officer in the Navy who was stationed over there. He met his future wife whilst over there and the two had a whirlwind romance that resulted in marriage and Duncan. Until the age of eleven, young Duncan lived in Switzerland with his parents until tragically, they both died when the train the young family was on derailed. Duncan survived only by the timely manifestation of he would come to know as his mutant ability. After being treated at the hospital with only minor injuries, the young boy was sent to live with his paternal grandparents in Dundee, where he was privately tutored in order to adjust to the English way of life. He then joined the public school system a short time later. After graduating from the local school at the age of 17, Duncan began attending the Britannia Royal Naval College. While there, he excelled in all areas of training. Duncan matriculated from his coursework at BRNC with passable marks. However, whilst excelling at athletic competitions, strategic operations, and counter-intelligence courses, his unconventional approach to his education, his diffident attitude to some of his superiors, and a lack of respect for curfew drew him many demerits. On more than one occasion, a fellow candidate was strongly suspected of lying to protect Duncan from punishment. In his later teens, he lost both of his grandparents in the span of a few months. Duncan’s exceptional skills and seemingly impossible physical capabilities for a boy his age, caught the attention of one of his instructors. This instructor put young Duncan on Kitty Pryde’s radar, he was recruited a short time after. [b]Extra:[/b] - Duncan’s ambition in life is to write the next great novel of a generation but nobody is aware of this fact due to his solitary character [hider=Relationships] - Kitty Pryde – “I respect all that our headmistress has done for us but sometimes, I hate her know it all-ness. She’s no psychic, she has no idea what we’re all going through” - Arnonia Torres – “Miss Torres is a bit of a badass. My kind of teacher” - Daisy Vaughn – “The less said here the better” - Steve Irvine – “Don’t know him, don’t particularly care to know him” - Marlowe Faraday – “Smooth talker, up his own arse. Likes to test me. One day I night test him back” - Freddie DiAngelo – “Strong man, intense and volatile. An easy security risk. Could be something to worry about” - Luna Marionette – “There’s a lot of pain in her eyes. She needs guidance. Other than that, I don’t know much” - River Hunnigan – “We don’t really speak past pleasantries” - Naka Vejay – “Bit of a wild child, I can see her being a talking point among the rest of them” - Alicia Taylor – “Cute girl. We don’t really talk too often but when we do she seems nice enough” - Oona Fredrick – “Shy kid, too quiet and that’s me saying that. Needs to come out of her shell” - Alucard De Vinci – “Creepy. I’m keeping my eyes on this one” - Harley Coeman – “Nervous ball of energy, give him a little time and something good might come through” - Daniel Green – “Nice enough guy, probably the only one I’m relatively close too” - Jade Green – “Probably the most like me in terms of personality, she lives in the present, her history doesn’t define her” - Aurora Claudwell – “There’s heartache in her, a strong sting. Hopefully being here will help her carry that weight” - Adrien Timoshenko – “He’s quiet, I don’t know much. Not particularly interested either” - Elena Elwyn – “She still very much a kid, I see her very quickly becoming the baby of this *family*” - Morena Silicus – “Cute and sweet but with some sass. Let’s see how she does” - Flavie Lefèvre – “Somebody get her drunk. She worries too much” [/hider]