The grenade exploding in the underground made the air ring, Sarah having to clutch her ears to stop them being damaged. As if to push the three back as they broke into a run, another sinister howl rang out deep in the tunnel, this time not bringing with it a piercing scream, but a very real blast of wind. David held his footing, while Sarah was taken by surprise and thrown back against the cold steel tracks. They were at a station now - they could continue on the horror tunnel, or they could fucking bail [I]now[/I]! After picking herself back up, Sarah opted for the former. "I need some fresh air, be right back!" The red haired techie made any random excuse, climbing up onto the subway station main platform. Despite originally suggesting they stay on track, Dave too opted to GTFO before things really got bad for the three. He didn't leg it straight away, and instead offered an arm down to Levi. "Red, don't go too far ahead!" David called over to Sarah. "I'm not going anywhere by myself, we're in a paranormal deathtrap here!" Sarah snapped back at the one responsible for bringing them down here in the first place. Realising headed surface-ways was actually quite dangerous, she readied her modified bolt-action rifle for war.