Eugene watched as the cage slowly rose up into his room to reveal a young girl who seemed to be more experienced than the typical deer in the headlights human. He stood there, looking her over without saying a word before he approached the cage and circled around it, his massive pawish hands being behind held behind his back. He knew she could sense him looming over her, looking over her and secretly this invasion made him uncomfortable, but to him it was necessary. Eventually the lycan walked to the front of the cage and opened it, the lock dropping to the floor with a clanging noise. The door screeched as it opened but came to a halt just a few seconds later. Before she knew it the girl in the cage had a furry hand held out to her, a pair of eyes being behind them along with a voice. "You look.. Appealing. But you would probably do with a shower and a change of clothes." The lycan said, pausing for a moment before continuing. "You got a name?"