[CENTER][IMG]http://www.wakacje.spw.pl/upload/subdomain/wakacje/images/section_2154_big.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] A beautiful summer day, the twelfth of August to be exact, and the grounds of the beautiful castle were full of people and animals. However, this remote castle's celebration wasn't exactly what you'd expect because nothing here was as it seemed. Purgatory Prep, a renowned academy in the supernatural world was home to many supernatural races, and with the school year ready to start up again, the welcoming festivities were underway. Booths full of games, students showing off their skills, and plenty of food and drinks to go around. And later that night, the courtyard would become a dancefloor and the night would become an alcohol fueled bender of mistakes and one night stands. Did the staff know, of course, but they only intervened if it got too much to handle. Still, the day was underway, and sitting at a kissing booth under a large oak tree, was the devilishly handsome Beau Rivers, an incubus who was starting his third year at the school, and man did he love these welcoming festivals. Always full of new souls and hot girls, but today he couldn't help but to glare because just across from his booth was a booth of demons and clairvoyants running a fortune telling booth. "Beau, quit glaring." A hiss escaped the brunette to his left. His sister, Beatrice, who had always had his back. She may not have harbored the same hatred of demons as he did, but she understood it. And she never asked why. "Can't help it, Bea. You know they get me." He said, but as more people came through, he noted the girls lining up, and Beau's mood instantly inflated. "Ready for a kiss?" He asked not bothering to look up. "Don't know. Do I need to call Blaze and Storm?" The half chuckled came, and he looked up to see the one exception to his hatred. Shayne Sinclaire. A demon who had been at the school for five years, whose cold hazel eyes had always intrigued him, not to mention she was quite a looker too. He didn't understand why, but when he and Beatrice first started here, the demons gave them hell, but Shayne stuck up for them. "Nice to see you out and about, come on, we have a seat for you. Blaze and Storm are welcome too." Beau smirked, and as Shayne sat, her two, large, black hounds with glowing red eyes laid on either side of her, ears perked. "How was your summer?" He asked, placing a kiss on a faerie girl who giggled and walked away. "Interesting. Storm and Blaze had their first litter of pups, and right now my dad is training them." She answered leaning back, "Not to mention I have had one hell of a time trying to get hold of that book." Beau looked to Shayne. She had been talking about that book as long as he had known her, but ahe never hinted as to what it was or why she wanted it. "And you?" She asked. "Actuallt stayed in the real realm with Bea. Trying to get used to society and all, but we had to go back for a month, for the elder council elections. A right pain, let me tell you." He said, but soon his eye was captured. A girl, he was sure he had seen before, with brunette hair and bright eyes walked right past. Shayne chuckled. "Allegra." She said, and he looked to her before she motioned her head in the direction the girl was walking. "Her name is Allegra. The clairvoyant crowd bitches about her a lot." He nodded, but watched as Shayne stood, her hounds doing the same. "Well, I best be off, Blaze and Storm are needed in the elemental demon show. You know, with their ability to catch fireballs and all." She said. "Later." "Yeah." Beau said, watching as Shayne walked away. She was always dressed nicely, a pretty red sundress hugging her form and black heels clicking as she walked away. Beau couldn't help but to watch before he smoothed out his shirt and went back to his booth. This year would be interesting that was for sure.