Name: Mira Swan Gender: Female Age: 18 Zodiac Sign: Aura Lower Signs: Space, Dark Weapon Type: Bow Appearance: [hider=Mira Swan][img=][/img][/hider] Personality: Besides making excellent grades at school, Mira loves to play games as well as the outdoors. She believes fresh air cleanses the soul for a sharper mind. Girls make fun of her for that notion where the boys see her as mysterious. As sociable as she is, she is actually quite shy, like a butterfly that hasn't broke free of its cocoon. History: Born and raised in Upper Alpha, Mira's parents saw potential beauty in her at a young age. Once of age, they had her pose for several paintings for profit. Mira quickly became known walking through the district, and came to the point where she couldn't walk alone. Some hated her parents for how they treated their daughter and others loved her too much to be safe. A disdain dwelled and grew inside her toward having no control over her life, she snuffed it out taking up the bow to cool her senses. Luckily, she was able to find a place of solitude, away from prying eyes and uproar of voices. One day, there was a box at her place of sanctuary and inside was a personally crafted bow just for her. To this day, Mira doesn't know who or where this bow came from, but it became the best present she was ever gifted.