"Present." Her voice was just loud enough for the teacher to hear, from her position in the far corner of the classroom. She quickly retreated to the safety of a rather large hardback book - not that anyone looked Maki's way anymore. It was better that way. First year, her mere presence had drawn some attention but here in 2C, people had stopped caring. There were more important things to worry over, like impressing the Chair before they graduated. Once you were an adult, it seemed, that was it. You were stuck wherever you were now for the rest of your life, barring any rebellion and/or criminal acts. You had to climb the ladder now. Admittedly, Maki was no different. Sure, her concerns weren't over advancement, and that lack of concern was unrelated to her current ownership of a Battle Deck and Battle Chip, but she still had greater concerns than any mysteries her classmates possessed. Whatever they were, they were probably none of her business and not a real threat to safety anyways.