Name: U6840-P793-G15, prefers to go by Furor Age: 231 years since initial construction, 38 years since core upgrade. only remembers since last core upgrade. Gender: appears male. [hider=Appearance] [img=] [/hider] Race: [hider=Steam Sentinel] Steam Sentinels, or SS, are a mechanized race of machines initially made to keep the peace between the three main races. all 3 races had a part in making the G1's as there called. Goats made the programing, spellborn made the body's, and goblins made the metal alloy that they were made of. G1 appearance [img=] after 57 years of this, the G1's decided that they would live away from the races for the sake of the less powerful G2's and G3's. three years later they set up an island city that is now the SS hub. G3's [img=] With the recent turmoil going on with the race's, they have sent a group of 50 SS units to observe, assess and solve the situation and remain there for however long it will take until peace is a result. The group is of the 15'th generation police, and are also trying to have the Goats help the later generations by making a new code for them. G15's [img=] SS core [img=] color can change based on substance used. [/hider] Main Weapon: he has two retractable blades an each arm that are standard issue for G15's. he also has a retractable kite shield on his left arm and an arm mounted shotgun on his right. the gun has one shot at a time, 5 sec reload and is fuelled by a substance that is currently used in experimental G16 cores. his shield has a hole in it for his shotgun barrel.(police standard) Personality: Furor is a police unit and thus lethal force must be authorized before use. he has three authorization codes known only by him and his commander. when lethal force is authorized, he targets a random person or an person doing an illegal act. and he is an alcoholic because his core is ethanol based, and cannot be produced magically. law is upmost to him and he only respects SS law, as he sees the others are "flawed in some way or another."