Charlotte nodded after a moment, fumbling in her pockets for some coins. "Allow me." Charlotte's voice was throaty, frought with emotions. "Not lending you the coins, I'm paying for the stuff you want..." She mumbled gently, wipimg her eyes as she tried not to cry.. ----- Boom! A resounding crack of thunder roused Charlotte from her thoughts, the young woman looking around her bedroom. It was now empty of any personal possesions, bar a picture frame on her bedside table, which she picked up and smiled at. It was her father, before he'd left to fight in the army. Her brother had taken her stuff in an attempt to belittle and demean the woman, not wanting to give her any respect at all. Entering the room, the man in question growled at her, advancing towards the woman. "Get out." "Wha?" "OUT! GET OUT!" The man almost screamed, smacking Charlotte across the face. Charlotte gasped, raising a hand to meet the red, stinging mark. ----- Standing outside Gale's house, Charlotte was drenched from head to foot with the pouring rain. Her nose ran profusely, the girl shivering where she stood. She'd knew where Gale lived after walking home from school with her, so had gone there in the hopes of getting help from the girl.