Jules fidgeted uncomfortably with his cravat, which was tight and itchy around his neck. He had never worn one before, it was like a small, angry dwarf was trying to strangle him. He had dressed in a number of exotic clothes before, in his job as the official ambassador, but not those from Lutetia, not since he was fourteen. Now his job had ended, and he was to focus solely on Brynmor and their princess, his future wife. Just the thought of marriage made him pale and sweaty, this was too soon! He had hardly held hands with a girl, much less was prepared to marry one. And the rumors of her elegance and beauty did little to comfort his fears, instead elevating them. What if the reason they had stalled so long on the proposal was that the princess didn't like him? What if she hated him? His whole youth would be over like that. Matthew came up behind his younger brother, grinning smugly and startling him with a pat on the back. "Why, dearest Jules, you look like you've seen a ghost! What's the matter, wedding jitters?" he teased him, laughing and tossing his long, golden hair behind his ear. Jules smiled weakly in response. "J-Just a little nervous, I suppose. Where's father?" he asked. Jules sighed, and shook his head. "His cold got worse, he can't make it out. The doctor said he's too weak to walk. Silly old man, he's been working himself sick arranging the preparations for her arrival. The princess's, that is." he responded, tutting under his breath. He then turned to his younger brother, brightening suddenly. "Anyways, what are you nervous about? This is your chance to sweep her off her feet! I mean, look at you, all dressed up, you almost look like a miniature me!" he cooed adoringly, fixing Jules's cravat. Jules made a face of disgust, sticking out his tongue. "Yuck. Kill me if I ever act like you as well." he retorted, causing Matthew to feign horror and shock. "How could you be so cruel?! My own little brother, how could you have become so crass! Years with foreigners have warped your mind, I do deem you insane!" he gasped theatrically. Jules grinned and gave him a small shove, grateful to his brother for cheering him so. The trumpets rang, and the announcer called out the name of the princess. Jules felt another plunge in his stomach as he and Jules walked out of the palace doors out to the steps where they would greet her. "Just, please don't do anything that would embarrass her." he whispered to his brother, worried. Matthew smirked and only winked at him in response. Jules heaved and exasperated sigh, waiting as the door to the carriage was opened, and the princess stepped out. Jules felt his eyes widen as he stared down at her, the woman walking out of the carriage. She was very pretty, she dressed beautifully, and her poise was polite and cool. Jules felt his back stiffen, straightening his posture as the girl approached, no, if he remembered, she was older than he was, she was Matthew's age. She certainly didn't look it though, she had a much younger face which was disguised by older makeup. It clashed her appearance, but he supposed he wasn't there to complain. He tried to smile at her, but in his anxiety, it came out more like a grimace. He tried to speak, but his throat suddenly tightened, preventing him. Luckily, Matthew stepped in, smiling warmly. "Welcome, Princess Alicia, to Luisitania. We are all very pleased you have agreed to grace our kingdom with your presence. I am crown prince Matthew zi Lutetia, I am here representing my father. I am afraid his illness has taken a turn for the worse, so he cannot come out to greet you, but rest assured, he will recover." he introduced himself, before turning to Jules. "And this is my younger brother, Jules vi Lutetia. You'll have to pardon him, he also caught a bit of a cold coming here from Circassia so swiftly. But I know that I speak for him when I compliment you on how lovely you do look." he said slyly, kissing her hand. Jules glared and looked away, damn Matthew... Fully aware of his brother's discontent, Matthew clapped his hands together, grinning. "Well then, let us show you to your room, our servants will help with your luggage, and afterwards, we can all talk over lunch!" he proposed excitedly, ignoring Jules' dark stares. Teasing his brother was simply far too much fun.