Kyle smiled behind his mask as he watched the Aristo surching the shadows. He dropped his magic appearing leaning on a wall lazily holding a hand cross bow on the man aiming for the gap in his armor on the neck. " Now i asked my self why a man of your standing would not have his house worded. You clearly have the means to get even the best warder on you pay roll. " Kyle said as he held the cross bow steady. "so i answered my self saying. Self if a man of his means where not to have wards up normally means he can handle himself in a fight." Kyle lowered his hand cross bow, "Now how about we put down are weapons and talk let gentleman. " Kyle was not here to kill the man if he was he would not have bothered to speak. And he would be on his marry way right now. Kyle also knew that if he did kill him his insurance in the study would kill him, the next time he had a drink. "Be at ease your maid's are taking a well deserved night off sleeping soundly in one of the store rooms" Kyle holstered the bow on a hip leather thong holding the cross staves.Kyle continued clapping his hands together briskly "Now to business being one of the most wanted men in the city i can't exactly go into the court and gather information on plots. " Kyle waved his hand at the noble "that is where you come in i need eyes and ears in the court. " Kyle was indeed wanted Lamora the assassin and head of the La'vox guild. Who ever brought his head to the king would get enough gold to set them selves up for generations.