“That…that can’t be…what do you mean abducted?” The king couldn’t understand how someone could break into his castle and steal away with his most prized warrior. “I’m sorry My King, but there were no signs of a fight, and no one has seen hide nor hair of the Lady since last night when the Maester sewed her up.” The errand boy was shaking, his head down as he delivered the bad news to his king. The monarch was quiet for a long moment before he sighed, “Put word out that I am offering a reward for her safe return or any information concerning her whereabouts.” “Yes, M’Lord.” The boy bowed out of the room and disappeared into the hall. Within days the word had spread and the rest of the men of Belamica’s unit began to sift through the people reporting to have seen the paladin maiden being carried away from the castle. It took a week before anyone had a lead well enough to go on, after that more people came forward. It was a fortnight since her death before her men found what remained of Belamica. The men and their knowledge of the undead knew right away that Bela had taken down the ‘Dark Father.’ Around her broken, lifeless body laid the corpses of at least a few dozen undead minions. The men extricated her remains from the bodies and laid her on the stretcher they’d brought, hoping to find her alive but injured. A white shroud was laid over her body before she was brought in through the gates of the village. Women wept as they heard the news of the Champion’s passing, men toasted to her in the streets and taverns, and within the castle walls, a feast would be held in her honor. “Today, on the 12th day of our Spring Season, we celebrate the memory of a blessed warrior of the light. She was a champion of righteousness and valor, shedding light into the darkest of places. Henceforth, this day will be known as the Day of the Light Maiden, in honor of our fallen hero, Belamica Darkthorn. May the Father take you up into his shinning embrace and reward you for your courageous deeds against the darkness. Forever will you ring true into our memories…” Within the depths of the castle, the shroud covered corpse of the elven maiden was being cried over. The blind Maester held the cold hand of the woman he loved. Never had he told her of his feelings, knowing he wouldn’t be an equal match for such a beauty. Though he’d never seen her, they had spoken for hours over ale on numerous occasions, and from those times he had seen her as truly as if he had eyes. “Belamica, I do not wish to see your tomb shrouded in gold…and I know you would not either. I will take you to the Hollow Hills, where you always wished to visit, and lay your body to rest there. It’s beauty is almost fitting for the likes of you, my maiden.” The words were whispered and by the time the men of the king’s guard came to fetch the body in the morning, nothing would look out of place. Skulls from the catacombs and bones from there as well were used to dupe the guard as Maester Jamon secured ride for him and his ‘mother’s’ remains across the shinning sea. It was weeks before he found a proper burial place, villagers assuring him it would be a beautiful place to be laid to rest. Only once he laid her out in her tomb, deep within the Hollow Hills, did he allow himself to grieve once more. With her sword and emblem of the Father buried with her, Maestor Jamon paid village men to seal up the tomb. Once the job was done, he promptly poisoned their dinner. No one could know of the location of his dearest’s tomb, no vile hand would marr her ever again.