[center][img=http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR6uPT_A3XQCcaOzvv57HeY3BRbmeBPFkqYUutBE5XFN47ZuRdp6w] [b]Name:[/b] [i]Alucard De Vinci[/i] [b]Codename:[/b] [i]Reaper[/i] [b]Age:[/b] [i]Eighteen.(18)[/i] [b]Place of Birth:[/b] [i]Venice, Italy[/i] [b]Occupation:[/b] [i]He drifts from job to job, and is currently working at a popular Ice Cream parlor.[/i] [b]Relationship Status:[/b] [i]Relationships are...dangerous for Alucard, for right now at least. He's single.[/i] [b]Mutant Ability:[/b] [i]Blood's Essence - Factoring majorly from his mutant genes, Alucard's powers are both dangerous and awe-inspiring in nature. To put it in simple terms, Alucard has direct control over his blood, and the mystical Essence of Blood that flows throughout the universe. The power is mystical and spiritual in nature, rather than a physical type of power that ties directly to Earth. By using this power, Alucard calls upon the blood from his surroundings (e.g gathering blood from thin air), or even his own blood, for different uses. The blood, once called upon by him, is revitalized with his essence, allowing it to become free-flowing, harder, sharper, stronger, and gain magical properties. This allows him to travel through puddles of blood as if they were portals, create living things to attack on his behalf, utilize blood to create different weapons and appendages made of blood itself, become blood himself, and a variety of other uses. He cannot control the blood inside of other mutants, though the pure blood in humans are fairly easy to control with a bit of concentration. Blood is constantly being pumped into Alucard's body, despite his paleness, so his body works overtime to burn and harness this extra energy. This gives him enhanced speed, strength, and durability on par with what one would expect an abnormally strong and fast mutant to have. Due to this power, Alucard cannot die from blood loss. He's also resistant to pain, and uses pain, and the blood that comes with it, to fuel his attacks.[/i] [b]Personality and History:[/b] [i]"Alucard originally lived in a life of luxury and riches, having a filthy rich family of blood-manipulating mutants." Naturally a gentleman first and foremost, Alucard regards everyone with the same natural outlook he looks at everything with. Calm, regal crimson irises stares out through pure black eyelashes at everything, giving it a casual, yet observatory once over that carries a sinister foreboding, something that usually psyches out most when he glares. Alucard is a polite young man on the bare surface, not afraid to kiss the hand of another when greeting, though with his politeness he carries a sort of measured arrogance that seems to be more for show rather than actual childish cockiness. Every move he makes is thought of before he actually makes it, hence his calm, yet long strides and intelligent nature. He was taught to be a noble by his parents, but taught to be a Reaper by the thoughts in his mind, leading him to be a hybrid of the two. Underneath his cold, yet gentleman-like behavior hides another part of him. Complete and utter apathy to any natural human. Yes, while Alucard may treat other mutants with a calm, detached, and cold friendliness one would expect someone of his appearance to ooze, he has a different mindset to humans. To him, they are nothing more than fleshbags to harvest the sweet nectar of life from - Pigs, basically. You would wonder why he opts to protect and uphold the peace to keep humans and mutants safe, then? It's rather personal. "The fire...their mansion taken over...torches...gunshots...fire...family burned at the stake...treacherous humans." Over-all, on the surface he is a gentleman. A coldly efficient and intelligent one, but an aristocratic gentleman regardless. Dig a little deeper, and you scratch his core - a sociopathic, yet honor-bound mutant whom detests humans on a disturbing level. He has a strict moral compass, and he goes strictly by a few rules of honor that's been etched into his brain by his Mother and Father, on their death beds, to protect the innocent, human or not. Though it may seem as if he has no warmth - no desire to love, Alucard is actually a hopeless romantic, be it as contradicting as it may seem. 'Hopeless' is a great way of putting it, as there's no legitimate way for Alucard to have an actual lover. His soul thirsts for blood, the misty vapors, and sustenance, a side-effect of his specific spirit. He will always be a danger to those around him. Over the years, he's learned to control these desires, but being the hopeless romantic that he is, Alucard has decided to not even risk it. "Do not travel down the path of hate, Alucard...protect the innocent, like your parents and ancestors before you..." To help control these dangerous powers he's been cursed with since birth, Alucard traveled to the Xavier's Institute for Gifted Youngsters...[/i] [b]Extra:[/b] [i]His ways of dealing with crime and violence is rather...looked down upon by heroes. While he doesn't kill the enemy unless absolutely necessary, the things he do makes them wish that they had died.[/i][/center]