Niks' satisfaction that his hex hit the creature's backside was short-lived as he had no moment to see if it had any effect while the creature spun to its left with an extended pincer. To his surprise, its reach extended as it tore out a beam out of the ground. Frantically beating his wings, Niks tried to flew higher to make the beam pass harmlessly below him. It was too late as the beam hit his leg and shattered from the blow, digging some shrapnel into his meatsuit and throwing him off-balance. Niks spun out of control and crashed into the ground 15 feet away to the left from his last position. He groggily lied on the ground, his leg hurt from the shrapnel and was slightly bent outward, as was the bone of the leg. Not a major wound, but he wouldn't be able to run properly on his feet. Sitting up, Niks blew a fireball towards the creature, not expecting it to do anything but distract as he tried to take into the air again.