[Hider=Iron Fist] [B]Name:[/B] Daniel Thomas Rand-K'ai [B]Alias:[/B] The Immortal Iron Fist [B]Role:[/B] Den Mother for Teen Titans [B]Brief Bio:[/B] Daniel Thomas "Danny" Rand-K'ai was born in 1989 to Heather Duncan Rand and publicly successful businessman and secret former K'un-L'un Immortal Wendall Rand-K'ai. Danny's life was as uneventful as the life of an heir to one of America's biggest corporations could be, until his father took him on a trip into the Himalayas to find the Eternal City of K'un Lun along with Danny's mother and Wendell's business partner, Harold Meachum. Meachum betrayed Wendall out of jealousy over his financial success and an unrequited love for Danny's mother, attempting to throw both Danny and his father off the mountainsides to an icy death. Wendell died from the fall, Danny's mother dying with him as she attempted to save her son and husband. However, her sacrifice was not in vain, as their bodies managed to cushion Danny's fall, leaving him near-mortally injured though still clinging to life. Harold Meachum left the boy to his presumed death, heartbroken but triumphing in his new wealth. Fortunately, Danny was found by the Immortals residing in K'un-L'un. They nursed the boy back to health and after his numerous insistences, agreed to teach him their ways. For ten years Danny trained with and learned from the Immortals, focusing especially on the martial arts and overcoming any trials and hardships the Immortals could design for him. At sixteen he could achieve the sorts of results few earthly martial arts masters could duplicate. By age nineteen, only one test remained. under his teachers' guidance, Danny went to a cave on the frozen peaks outside The Eternal City and faced the enormous fire-breathing dragon Shou-Lao the Undying in one-on-one combat. After grappling the beast to the ground while fire so hot that it imprinted the dragon's own serpentine scars onto Rand's body poured from the beast's maw, Danny plunged his fists into the dragon's still beating and fiery heart. He struck it again and again until his own body and especially his fists became infused with Shou-Lao's chi, defeating the undying dragon with his bare hands. From that day forth he was known as Iron Fist, and the Immortals of K'un-L'un invited him to join them. Danny refused, instead returning to the outside world to hunt down his parents' killer. He soon found an old and weak Harold Meachum who had long ago lost his ability to walk after severe frostbite and an avalanche had left the traitor barely alive soon after he'd killed Danny's parents, though he'd been rescued and brought back to America. Filled with pity Danny decided not to kill Meachum, but an unknown assassin killed Harold before Danny's eyes and pinned the murder on him. For two years Danny hunted for the conspirators who framed him while also making ends meet by working with Luke Cage as a Hero For Hire, eventually clearing his name and taking his rightful place as CEO of Rand Meachum, re-titling it Rand Industries. Since then he's had many other adventures and met many other heroes, eventually agreeing to act as the current "Den Mother" to Teen Titans [B]Abilities:[/B] Martial Arts: Iron Fist has trained in various martial arts for over eighteen years since he was roughly nine years old, at least ten of which were spent in the company of K'un-L'un immortals with martial arts experience far beyond that of any mortal teacher. As such he can be considered one of the greatest martial artists to walk the earth. Armed Combat: As part of his training in K'un-L'un Iron Fist became a master of nearly all traditional martial arts weapons. Physical Conditioning: Thanks to his many years of training, Danny's agility, reflexes, stamina, speed, senses and strength are all at peak human levels. Chi Manipulation and Augmentation: Thanks to his training, Danny can control and focus his Chi to greatly increase his physical and mental abilities to beyond human levels. This is further strengthened by his ability to draw on the Chi of Shou-Lao. His durability, reflexes, stamina, speed, and strength and mental faculties can all be improved with his own chi as well as Shou-Lao's chi. Iron Fist: Danny's most notable ability and namesake, the Iron Fist involves Danny calling on Shou-Lao's Chi and focusing it into his hand. This causes his fist to become inhumanly powerful and resistant to damage, allowing him to shatter wood and stone and tear through metal with relative ease as well as striking enemies and objects with massive concussive force entirely without damaging his hand. He can also extend the same sort of Chi to other objects, though doing this tires him considerably. Minor empathic/telepathic abilities: Though he has no real skill or strength at it and rarely ever uses it, Iron Fist learned a small amount of empathic or perhaps telepathic skill from his Immortal teachers. Acrobatics: Rand is a skilled acrobat and gymnast, perhaps the equal of an olympic level athelete if not better, though certainly not among the best. Some knowledge about magic: Though no expert, Iron Fist's training in K'un-L'un also involved learning about magic and other arcane subjects, though he himself cannot use any form of magic or arcane power. Multilingual: Danny has learned multiple languages in his travels and while studying in K'un-L'un. Wealth: As the CEO and majority shareholder of Rand Industries Danny is rich enough to put him on par with Tony Stark or perhaps even Bruce Wayne in terms of financial resources, though Rand Industries technological branches are less developed than the former two. [B]Personality:[/B] Danny very much enjoys sounding deep and wise and dropping the occasional ancient-sounding proverb, mostly in homage to and slight mockery of his own teachers in K'un-L'un. While he tries to seek detachment and self-liberation, he usually finds that he enjoys fighting and adventuring too much to successfully do so. His love of fighting isn't really a love of violence or destruction so much as an eagerness to test his skills against similarly powerful opponents, while his love for adventuring at least partially stems from growing up in the isolation of the Eternal City. Danny's strongest dislike is the possibility that anyone might betray him. He gives his trust in people a lot of weight and has a very hard time forgiving anyone who might betray him. He also dislikes the responsibilities of being CEO of a megacorporation, though he approaches his duties there with the same focus and devotion that he gives to his martial arts training, lest his father's legacy slip out of his grasp. Having recently become responsible for the youths at Infinity Inc, he's surprised to find out that he likes teaching and guiding almost as much as he likes fighting or cryptic wisdom, and not having grown up with a family of his own for very long he'd probably find himself trying to do his absolute best to help and protect his charges. Other than that, he likes various herbal teas and meditative exercises, the martial arts above almost anything, cheesy television shows and movies, and cookie dough ice cream. [B]Appearance:[/B] Couldn't find a decent face photo, but here's a copy of the costume [url=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs51/i/2009/322/3/b/Danny_Rand_Iron_fist_by_L85M.jpg] traditional Iron Fist costume [/url] Danny Rand is blond haired and blue eyed, around 5'6". Rand has the serpent-shaped scar of the Eternal Dragon Shou-Lao branded onto his chest, as proof of his succession to the title Iron Fist. [B]Affliation:[/B] Den Mother to the Teen Titans, part of Heroes for Hire with Luke Cage A member of the Justice League. [B]Other:[/B] [/hider]