Her colleagues pretty much asked the same question that Mearii had written down, that regarding the 'importance' and 'usage' of the family heirloom that was stolen. A simple question, but a useful one, and one that couldn't be answered before they started to properly question those of the Daidouji household. With most questions settled, Mearii stood up once more, waving off Toshiko's offer for a ride to the mansion. The Daidouji mansion wasn't too far away, and the gumiho did not like to die. Pushing her arms through the sleeves of her jacket and then zipping it up, she slid her hands behind her neck and drew her hair out from underneath the collar of the jacket. Watching as the others left to get into the deathtrap of a minivan, Mearii called out,[b] “Toshiko, I will be running there, so apologies beforehand if I arrive late.”[/b] And with that done, she ran off, away from the nightmarish, claustrophobic experience that was sitting in a van jam-packed with others while Toshiko swerved through the streets like some psychopathic twelve year old.