Carefully keeping his hair on the outside of the tub, feeling it not dirty hence not in the need of a washing, Dorian smiles at the young one as he begins scrubbing his body. “It is all right Little One, it is not as if we need all the answers right away. You have done well, so let yourself be content with that for now.” He gets a good lather going on his arms before moving on to his chest and neck. “If you try too hard you may find the truth fleeing before you, escaping your attempts to capture them. You must let such thoughts come to you naturally.” He only spare James a glance as he exits the bath and begins getting dressed. The question thrums around his mind a bit, tugging at his chest ever so slightly. [i]'I do indeed recall before I was made. Before I was re-born. However I am not sure I wish to share such things as of yet'[/i] When the boy draws close he peeks over the edge of the tub to where the boy crouches below. With a faint sigh he replies, “I do recall the time, however I do not wish to think on such things now. Perhaps some other time I will tell you of who I once was Little One.” With that he rinses himself off and climbs out of the hot water into the steamy room. Drying himself carefully he pulls on his clothing, making sure everything is in order before turning to the young vampire. Making sure he standing tall he straitens the smaller males clothing, tucking here, tugging there, until he once more looks like a respectable young man. With a smile he ruffles the boy's hair and slips an arm around his waist. “I have arranged for a meal in the stable, however I wish for you to wait until I quite it down before we dine.” Giving him a quick squeeze he looks James in the eye and speaks carefully. “I am going to grab my bag from the room, I want for you to go to the stable and wait for me. Remember, keep you hands off of the human, and if all possible, ignore them until I get there.” Fixing the ruffling he did earlier so that his hair is sleek once more Dorian scoots him out of the room before making his way across the hall to the now vacant room holding his travel bag.