[hider=Character Sheet]Valeriya Ilyinishna Female Changeling Witch 1 | [Chaotic Neutral] Description Age 18 Looks Br hair, GrBL eyes Height/Weight 5' 3" tall, 115lbs. (Medium) Deity Calistria Campaign Little GM's Representing Larkos Strength 9 (-1) Dexterity 12 (+1) Constitution 10 (+0) Intelligence 17 (+3) Wisdom 14 (+2) Charisma 14 (+2) Initiative +1 = 1 [Dex] Skills Acrobatics* +1 = DEX 1+0+0 Appraise +3 = INT 3+0+0 Bluff +6 = CHA 2+1+3 Climb* -1 = STR -1+0+0 Craft +3 = INT 3+0+0 Craft +3 = INT 3+0+0 Craft +3 = INT 3+0+0 Diplomacy +2 = CHA 2+0+0 Disable Device*† +1 = DEX 1+0+0 Disguise +2 = CHA 2+0+0 Escape Artist* +1 = DEX 1+0+0 Fly* +1 = DEX 1+0+0 Handle Animal† +2 = CHA 2+0+0 Heal +2 = WIS 2+0+0 Intimidate +2 = CHA 2+0+0 K (Arcana)† +7 = INT 3+1+3 K (Dungeoneering)† +3 = INT 3+0+0 K (Engineering)† +3 = INT 3+0+0 K (Geography)† +3 = INT 3+0+0 K (History)† +3 = INT 3+0+0 K (Local)† +3 = INT 3+0+0 K (Nature)† +3 = INT 3+0+0 K (Nobility)† +3 = INT 3+0+0 K (Planes)† +3 = INT 3+0+0 K (Religion)† +3 = INT 3+0+0 Linguistics† +3 = INT 3+0+0 Perception +2 = WIS 2+0+0 Perform +2 = CHA 2+0+0 Perform +2 = CHA 2+0+0 Profession (Herbalist)† +6 = WIS 2+1+3 Profession† +2 = WIS 2+0+0 Ride +1 = DEX 1+0+0 Sense Motive +2 = WIS 2+0+0 Sleight of Hand*† +1 = DEX 1+0+0 Spellcraft† +7 = INT 3+1+3 Stealth* +1 = DEX 1+0+0 Survival +2 = WIS 2+0+0 Swim* -1 = STR -1+0+0 Use Magic Device† +6 = CHA 2+1+3 Base Speed [ 30 (6 sq.) ] AC [11] = 11 Touch AC [11] Flat-Footed [10] Base Attack Bonus +1 Basic Melee Attack +0 Basic Ranged Attack +2 Fortitude Save +0 = 0 [base] +0 [Con] Reflex Save +1 = 0 [base] +1 [Dex] Will Save +4 = 2 [base] +2 [Wis] CMB +0 = 1 [BAB] -1 [Str] +0 [size] CMD +11 = 10 +1 [BAB] -1 [Str] +1 [Dex] +0 [size] Feats Accursed Hex Traits convincing liar (bluff) creative manipulator unhappy childhood (religious) Carrying Capacity Light Load: 30lbs. Medium Load: 60lbs. Heavy Load: 90lbs. Lift Over Head: 90lbs. Lift Off Ground: 180lbs. Push or Drag: 450lbs. Languages Common 3 Bonus Languages (Int) Elven, Sylvan, Celestial Patron: Deception Witch Spells Per Day Cantrips: 4 Level 1 2 + 1 [Int] Witch Spells Known Level 1 mage armor, sow thought, ray of enfeeblement, ray of sickening, obscuring mist, charm person. Hexes Evil Eye Special Abilities Fox Familiar [url=http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/wizard/familiar/familiar-archetypes/pilferer-familiar-archetype](pilferer archetype)[/url] [url=http://www.pathfindersrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/animals/fox]Fox Stats[/url] except +1 natural armor and 6 intelligence Changeling Racial Abilities: Nails: Two 1d4 primary natural attacks Darkvision 60ft. Object of Desire: +1 to her caster level when casting charm person and charm monster. This replaces green widow.[/hider] [url=http://paizo.com/people/Valeriya/profile]Valeriya's backstory[/url] Can we get a list of the full party that's made the cut? When do we start posting IC? I'm thinking of taking the Carnival card (illusions and false dreams) to represent "the call." Anyone else want that card?