"...there!" Nima thought to herself as the obese, grotesque, bounty hunter sprung into view out of the hallway to her left, unloading multiple quick rounds of plasma her way. With her augmented physical abilities she was able to quickly dart away from the attack just as it exploded into the wall behind her, leaving a smoking trail in it's wake as he swung the gun her way to follow her retreat, plasma steadily streaming out all the while. She couldn't block the stream of rapid plasma shots for very long with her lightsabers without having it become too much to handle, so for now the best thing she could do was dodge. Dodge and take the fight to him, that is. She wasn't one to just be content to just running around providing her enemies with a shooting gallery for very long. She adjusted her course to change her retreat into an advance, ducking underneath the bullets to come out quickly on the other side. This took him off guard and he tried to swivel his gun back the other direction, but with her high speed it was too late. She swung her left lightsaber at him and he had no choice but to use his weapon to block it as he stumbled backwards. Her weapon cut it clean in two, but not before her foe was able to get out of range and yank out an staff that arced with electricity. The two exchanged a flurry of fast blows, sending sparks showering the battlefield. Luckily the environment was made out of metal so wouldn't catch fire as they went about their battle. He was good, she had to give him that, but she was a jedi. She let out a smile as she was able to combat him on even terms, but using only her left lightsaber. However, she remembered that her master was waiting on her and would certainly not approve of toying with her opponents. Her smile faded as she decided to go all out, her right lightsaber flaring to life to add to the intensity of her attack. He lasted no more then ten seconds before his staff was sent flying out of his hands, clattering to the ground well out of his reach. A few more swift strikes across his body and all of his weapons were cleaved apart, but he himself was left untouched. "Brave of you to go up against a jedi training under a master on the council," she taunted, pointing her lightsaber at his throat. "Tell me everything. Who's with you on this assignment. Who hired you. All that jazz. I must warn you that I don't have the same patience as my master for this kinds of things, so I suggest you spill your guts quickly or else I'll do it for you." In all honesty part of this was just a bluff. She wasn't one to murder an unarmed person, even if he was a bounty hunter who just made an attempt on her life. However, she was well known for taking more extreme action then most jedi to achieve the goals in an "ends justify the means" sort of way. As such, not many people were overly willing to test out how far they could press their luck when dealing with her. If he knew what was good for him he would do as she asks.