Nyima looked at his hand when he held it out in front of her. After a moment, she put her own hand in it, "N-Nyima." She used his hand to help herself to her feet, "Leaving... Sounds good," she looked out to the water and sighed, "Sorry.. What? Oh hungry... Um... Yes." She followed him as he lead her to some restaurant. She continued to wipe her eyes, trying to calm herself down. She walked close to him, scared of her surroundings. She looked over her shoulder back at the docks and sighed, "I... I... I ran away," she said softly, "My parents wanted me to get m-married... forcing me, really.... I don't know why.... I... I don't have anywhere to go and I don't know anything about this city... I think I might have made a mistake coming here," she rubbed her eyes, "I don't even have anywhere to stay," she stopped and looked at him. She laughed a little, "I'm sorry... I don't know why I'm telling you any of this...."