See, LeeRoy had actually been laying in the back of the ship staring at the roof. Can't sleep, remember? This entire time he had been ignoring Maxwell's shouting, focusing entirely on the wound inflicted upon his face. At this point he was certain that he was going to have to transfer into the new body once he ensured its safety. Uncertain of Maxwell's reaction to such a thing he would have to keep it secretive. Knowing how some religious extremists react to cloning and stuff along the lines of full cerebral transfer. Could not risk having his new body being destroyed, that would honestly be disastrous. LeeRoy got up from his chambers and headed to the main console again, doing a full diagnostic of the ship's condition. Not at all to his surprise, it was grim. Even with Maxwell's help it would take a number of days to repair. Anyway, Maxwell returned to the ship with an unnecessary amount of meat. To this point, LeeRoy simply nodded, no longer addressing the absurdity of the situation. Rather, he focused on two small metallic tubes that Maxwell had brought along for the ride. Two brass cylinders, looking rather aged and probably from some outdated mechanism. Intrigued by this, LeeRoy stood up from the console. Wandering up to the door the scientist leaned in a bit to get a closer inspection of these mysterious metal cylinders. In his head, he thought quite a number of things. Perhaps Maxwell knew what his fuel source was and these were canisters of uranium. That would be wonderful, because that would take so long to explain why he needed it. Then he realized exactly what his enormous companion had really brought back. Train whistles. 'Train whistles?' "Train whistles." LeeRoy stated with absolutely no emotion to his new dry and deep voice. "You brought back train whistles. Rather than anything of use for repairing this ship, you brought back train whistles." Nodding silently to himself he turned around and put his hand in his beard, scratching at his chin underneath. "I would say I'm surprised, although that would be a falsehood. So, let's try something else. Why did you bring back train whistles?"