Eight men and women sat around a table deep in an underground bunker, underneath the French city of Nice. They were the Oculus Senators, each responsible for overseeing different parts of the world in The Oculi's name. Unbeknownst to all but those in the room, one of these individuals was also the alter-identity of Cerberus, the leader of the organization. The Oculi was perhaps most famous for its collection of world leaders in exile from their home countries, and the most influential of these were appointed Senators. "The situation in Italy is working out surprisingly well. We're working closely with the Roman Catholic Church to restore stability and allow for a democratic system to emerge again. The Papacy has become one of our closest allies," said Woodrow Caldwell, the former United States Secretary of State during the third World War and North American Senator. Caldwell tried to promote peace, and was shamed out of office when the war turned badly for the States. "Now that Italy stabilized, I believe that it's time to turn out attention to other nations in the world," Maria Fernanda Espinoza said. Espinoza was the President of Peru before being overthrown in a coup by her top generals. She readily accepted a position as South America's Senator, and has been lobbying for a full scale invasion of Peru ever since she joined Oculus. "Peru needs to wait. Your generals are expecting us, Maria. They're on constant vigilance," Caldwell responded. "I'm not talking about Peru," Maria snapped. "I can recognize other areas needing out attention. Areas such as Central America. As they're Hispanic, they're obviously in my jurisdiction. They need our help." "I'm not aware of any human rights violations in Central America," Birdie Conway frowned. Conway was a movie starlet in her days, just after 2010, reaching worldwide fame. In the 20's she retired from acting and became an ambassador and human rights activist from New Zealand. Conway joining with Oculi gave it a boost among older citizens who remembered the name Birdie Conway with fondness and respect. "That's because there's nobody to report it," Espinoza countered. "There is no central government. Just feudalistic dictators doing whatever they damn well please, especially in Nicaragua." "You'll have to look into that, then, dear." Birdie responded. "But little warlords aren't a threat to the world. We need to focus on larger threats. The North American Federation needs to be taught that a dictatorship won't be tolerated by our organization. Am I right, Woodrow?" Caldwell nodded. "Absolutely."