Aaron accepted the coke, "Thanks.." and took a sip of it. On most cases he didn't drink a whole lot of soda, and the carbonation feeling from the soda was always a weird feeling. Even so, he set the drink down on the table, listening to Josie speak about what she thought the saying meant. He nodded his head, "Yeah, you 'hit the nail on the head'" he smiled. Soon enough he watched to see a young gentleman who appeared drunk had come over to ask Josie to dance. Though, even with his rude behavior, it didn't bother Aaron much. "It's alright," he spoke, smiling at her. "But, yeah, you are right on what you said. Many people whom are beautiful or handsome may look like they have a lot in life. Some do, but there is always a catch to everything in life. You never know what pain and suffering a person has gone through in their life..." Aaron was quiet for a moment, staring at the table with saddened, dull eyes. Eyes that were not lit up with happiness anymore. He opened his mouth as if to speak, but nothing came out and he closed his mouth again. Rubbing the back of his neck with his hand, he sighed and lifted his head to look at Josie. "I've been honest with you from the start, so I'll let you know this much." he started to say. "I didn't live a very good life, you are right. Sure, I was blessed with good looks, talent, wisdom even... But the only thing I'm lacking in.. is family." Aaron was quiet again for a moment. He lifted a hand to reach up and wrap his fingers around the silver locket around his neck. He held it close to his chest, as if reminiscing old memories. "My father was ill when I was young... He was battling lung cancer at the time. I use to go see him everyday after school, talk to him and tell him that he'd be fine. I use to think it was just a regular sickness, but each day I went, it got worse. And after 3 months of doing that, he passed away..." Quiet yet again, he reached over to take another sip of his coke, setting the can back down. "At about the age of 17, my sister got into a car accident with some friends. She was in critical condition, but she too didn't make it." His eyes gazed around the room, the sound of the band playing. But he faded out the music from his mind. "Our family was becoming poor, and unstable back in Taiwan... My mother was having difficulties and we were both grieving over the losses of both my father and sister. So we moved here to New York when I was 20... She worked as a Waitress at a Cafe.. But she had heart problems, a tumor in her heart... By that time, she had passed away. And I've been living here in New York alone for the past 5 years. You could say I was stranded, abandoned, or simply just lost..." His voice grew quiet as he clutched the locket firmly in his hand. But he slowly released that firm grip and gently took the locket off from around his neck and handed it to Josie to open and look at the family pictures of his parents and sister.