"All Scimitar operators, get your shit together, we mobilize in ten." said the Team Lead, Imran. Bjorn calmly earmarked his book and got up, making his way towards his room. [i]Time to earn our paycheck's.[/i] he thought to himself. And he thanked the All-Father that he had such an awesome job. He opened his arms locker and grabbed his kit. His AK 5 will probably be slung over his shoulder the whole time, but it was still a good thing to have, just in case. His Glock and 100 round drum mag were coming, for sure. The minigun was rather unwieldy, so he would keep it in pieces and put it together on the plane ride over. Brunhilde, however, would stay in the loop on his left hip at all times. He didn't like leaving the house without it, much less going into battle without it. Finally, before putting on his armor, he applied his face paint. Who cares if few people would see it. It made him look [url=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_1luLRXKoJM8/TEsD48SyxoI/AAAAAAAAlNw/w-68wHMXp_M/s640/89.jpg]awesome[/url]. -------- His hated being on the plane, not because of any fear of flying, but they still haven't made a plane big enough for Bjorn to be comfy on. Despite his unease, the op seemed to be going well. Bjorn just sat, waited, and prayed to Odin that he fight valorously and without mercy.