If you're still accepting... Name: Seth Nolan Age: 18 Appearance: [img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/17a53bb5c6da6c88f12e99d213ffbeaf/tumblr_n5d3nfZz041soc23co1_1280.png[/img] Personality: Jack is a very friendly guy who can get along well with different people. He is easy to approach and confident, but is still a quiet person. He's outgoing and a little reckless. Another thing is that he is very irresponsible most of the time - doing more of what he wants and never what he needs. He likes to draw, and he draws on anything, from paper to skin to walls. Subjects: English Photography Chemistry World Literature Calculus Arts Social Group: The Inbetweeners Bio: Jack lives in a family that is only a little more wealthy than the average. As a kid, he was mostly taken care of by his grandmother since his father worked in another country while his mother always comes home late. He did well in his earliest times in school, always the top in his class until sixth grade. He grew up without being close to his parents like the other kids; he doesn't even remember their birthdays. When his whole family moved from their hometown, he already lost connection with most of his friends back there quickly, and he was enrolled into CBU. Any Relationships/Friendships Already Formed? Nah