She looked at his hand when he held it out in front of her. After a moment, she put her own hand in it, "N-Nyima." He gripped her hand. Smiled and stood up. She used his hand to help herself to her feet, "Leaving... Sounds good," she looked out to the water and sighed, "Sorry.. What? Oh hungry... Um... Yes." He nodded and then turned and took her to a simple noodles places a couple blocks down. As they walked She continued to wipe her eyes, trying to calm herself down. He noticed that she walked close to him, scared still of her surroundings. She looked over her shoulder back at the docks and sighed, "I... I... I ran away," she said softly, "My parents wanted me to get m-married... forcing me, really.... I don't know why.... I... I don't have anywhere to go and I don't know anything about this city... I think I might have made a mistake coming here," she rubbed her eyes, "I don't even have anywhere to stay," she stopped and looked at him. She laughed a little, "I'm sorry... I don't know why I'm telling you any of this...." He smiled softly at her, trying to ease her with his next words. It's alright you are safe now. No one is gunna hurt you while I'm around. " they reached the shop and he opened the door for her and followed her in. He then led her to the bar and sat down next to her on the stool. An older man came out and said "Ah Rayn you grace my shop with your pressence again! Shall I get..." He looked at Nyima and asked. " Is the lady alright?" Rayn then nodded quickly. "Yeah she is now. Had a run in with a gang at the docks. Can you get her and I some of your specialty noodles? " it's a cool night out tonight." The man nodded and said, " yes of course! Your lucky Rayn came by miss. He is a a great man, and officer. You are in good hands." He smiled and hurried off towards the kitchen. Rayn sighed and slipped his jacket off revealing his Republic city police uniform. He then placed his jacket over her shoulders. Though it wasn't super cold to what she was used to it would help her nerves to have a little more warmth. " alright... He said in a low calm voice. " let me see if I can paint a picture here. Obviously you are from the water tribe... Northern kingdom fur to the clothes and lack of supplies. You ran away from home because your parents were forcing you to marry someone. Soo maybe that makes you 17 or 18? Never left home and didn't take much with you. A spur of the moment. Hense why you don't know where to go or stay.. Is that right?" He smiled warmly to show he cared. He's self with many runaways before. But they were younger. " don't worry we can figure this out. Well just take it one step at a time."