Aaron followed Josie into the apartment building, nodding his head slowly when she spoke. "Someone that cares, right?" he asked as he followed her. Stepping into the elevator with her, it almost reminded him slightly of being back in Taiwan. Though the home he lived in was a decent home, before things went bad that it. Soon enough they made it to her apartment and they stood outside of it. Josie had warned that it was a mess, to which he responded, "Hmm, a mess huh? I'd offer to clean it if you'd like" he spoke, laughing a bit. When they entered into the apartment though, he could see that she was right, it was a mess. "Wow" he said, walking in through the front door. Closing it behind him he took his guitar case off of his back and went to set it down by the couch. Soon enough, he saw a cat which he assumed was Josie's only roommate in this small home. The cat had walked over to him, seeming to enjoy his company. Aaron lifted his head when Josie mentioned how the cat normally hated visitors. "Animals can tell when a person is good or bad." he said, getting down on one knee to be at semi-level with the cat. He flashed a smile as he scratched the cat behind it's ear, petting it. "Guess he knows I mean no harm then..." Aaron stood back up and walked around the small apartment for a bit, scanning the few messes here and there. "I'm sure I can clean this up in about 10 minutes if you give me a trash bag" he stated with a smile. "Since you're helping me out, why not return the favor, right?"