[i]“I apologize for not noticing you sooner. And it is difficult not to notice a lady of such elegance and beauty.”[/i] And it begins. Claire smiled politely looking down, glad she wore a hat today. It would hide any foul look she wanted to give him before they could really talk. Such elegance and beauty…why the sudden flattery? After a moment she looked up, her smile gone. “I’d just arrived, Nicholas, no need for an apology.” He went on to ask where her horse was, and assumed she didn’t ride. It only angered her further, for it reminded her of her father denying her request. “Of course I love riding, I’d be outside practicing every day if I could, as uncomfortable as side saddle can be,” she quickly answered, looking at Nightshade with longing. It was a beautiful name, really, but he didn’t need to know that. “But [i]father[/i] wouldn’t let me take one of my horses. He was afraid I would run away, Nicholas, which brings us to why I asked you to come.” Claire slipped her left glove off and stroked Nightshade’s neck. He was very well taken care of, obviously loved. Still watching the horse she began her rant, too frustrated to look him in the eyes. “First of all, I [i]know[/i] it isn’t polite to meet in secret. You don’t have to act like I’m a child that doesn’t know how to act. I understand the confusion with my…[i]background[/i],” she muttered, figuring it was best to get that out in the open now. No point in pretending it wasn’t a factor in this marriage. “But I simply meant away from our fathers. They obviously have too much influence, I’m sorry for the confusion. So if meeting at the park is making you uncomfortable, we can go elsewhere.” Her words were sharp, her tone angered as her eyes finally flickered to him. “Nicholas, why are you doing this? Please stop being polite and be frank with me. After last night nothing you say will convince me this is out of love. So is it the money? Because there are some very wealthy women out there that would need only a few sweet nothings whispered in their ear before they were yours.” Claire touched the horse again, finding comfort in the animal. “I guess what I’m asking is- my reputation has kept everyone else away. Why not you?”